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Feb 17, 2004 - BOS
Chichester Board of Selectmen
February 17, 2004  

PRESENT: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman Arey and Administrator Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 6:00pm.    

SUBJECT: NRRA – exemption clarification
PRESENT: NRRA representatives, Elizabeth Bedard, Director and Paula Dow, Financial Officer; Andrea Lewy, Assessor from Avitar Associates of NE., Inc.
During the recent revaluation, the exemption was removed from this property.  Ms. Dow has been in contact with the Selectmen’s Office and discovered the company had not filed the necessary paperwork to apply for the exemption as in prior years.  When this was done, the paperwork was submitted to Avitar Associates of NE., Inc. and Avitar reviewed the documents and made the determination that the company did not qualify for an exemption.  The town had this property inaccurately marked as exempt municipal property, thus receiving a zero tax bill.  Ms. Bedard met with the Board because the company was not prepared to pay a tax bill based on a previous understanding with a former Board of Selectmen, who indicated to them they would be exempt from paying taxes.  The Board asked Ms. Bedard for a current financial report and a copy of the bylaws.  Once these documents are reviewed by the Board and Avitar, the Selectmen will contact Ms. Bedard with their decision.  

SUBJECT: Upgrade Back Road
PRESENT: Mr. & Mrs. Michael McKay and sons

Mr. McKay presented the Selectmen with a petition to upgrade 300 feet of Back Road, to a Class V road.  The upgrade would start at the existing ending point of the present section of Back Road, which is presently maintained by the Town as a Class V road, and continue within the town’s right of way along the existing Class VI roadway for approximately 300 feet.  The McKay’s are planning to build a home on lot 13.  The Board will schedule a public hearing and notify abutters.

SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING-Police Special Revenue Fund  
 PRESENT: Officer Jeff Miller

Chairman Colbert opened the public hearing at 7:00pm.  There was one taxpayer present.  Officer Miller explained the purpose of the fund was to take money received in payment for police details (expenses such as the officer’s time, the cruiser and administrative costs) and establish a separate fund from the general fund for this money to go to.  When at the end of a fiscal year there is money remaining, the Chief may make a recommendation to the town to spend money from this fund for equipment for the police department and not purchase it through the operating budget.  
Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold to close the public hearing at 7:15pm.  All were in favor.

SUBJECT: Waiver Impact Fee – Lover’s Lane
PRESENT: Mark Drew

Mr. Drew requested the Board of Selectmen waive the impact fee required on his new lot on Lover’s Lane.  Mr. Drew’s intention is to build a new home for himself on that lot and sell the existing home he is currently living in.  Motion Selectman DeBold and seconded by Selectman Arey to approve Mr. Drew’s waiver request.  The vote was two in favor, one opposed, motion carried.  Lisa will notify the treasurer to refund Mr. Drew’s impact fee.

SUBJECT: Building Permit, Ferrin Road
PRESENT: Mr. Brian Kelly

Mr. Kelly submitted to the Board of Selectmen, a letter drafted from his attorney, stating Mr. Kelly’s understanding of the conditions placed upon his building permit for the modular home.  The Board presented Mr. Kelly with a letter reiterating the town’s requirements and required Mr. Kelly to furnish the names of the occupants of the mobile home.   The Selectmen will not release the cease and desist order until Mr. Kelly’s letter is reviewed by the town attorney.

Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold to accept the All Hazard Plan.  All were in favor.  The plan will now be forwarded to FEMA for approval.  

The Board of Adjustment is in need of one member.  Suggestions were discussed.  Selectman DeBold will contact those candidates and seek their interest.  The Board of Adjustment has an upcoming hearing scheduled for March 3, 2004.  A full membership is required.  

Chairman Colbert asked Lisa to forward the Floodplain Ordinance information to the town’s field representative for Emergency Management; Nancy St. Laurent.  This is a step toward Chichester becoming a member of the National Flood Insurance Program.

Mr. DeBold recused himself as Selectman to ask the Board the question of whether or not his subdivision on Center Road was considered to be grandfathered under the Growth/Impact Fee Ordinance.  Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Chairman Colbert to declare the DeBold, Center Road subdivision not grandfathered due to the fact that there were no substantial improvements done on the lots.  Therefore the subdivision is subject to all the requirements of the Growth Ordinance and will be subject to Impact Fees.  Motion carried.

After review and further discussion, a motion was made by Selectman Arey and seconded by Chairman Colbert to set the deadline of April 1, 2004 for removal of the tenants occupying the mobile home on the Fournier property located on Horse Corner Road.  The vote was 2 in favor and one no.  Motion carried.  Lisa will send a letter to Ms. Fournier.   

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:22pm.    

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

Harold Arey                                                     
